
The last time I updated this blog is in the beginning of May. I lost one of my best friend in the middle of May this year.

Achmad Zulfikar Fawzi, yup, he is commonly called Ujik. He entered work at the same company as me in early April this year. He replaced the position of Dimas who had moved previously to other company at the end of January.

I offered him to stay in a room together with me in the dormitory. In that month it was really busy because the plant was having Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) which impact both of us arrived at dormitory at 7/8 pm every day for approximately 2-3 months.

That thing made us physically exhausted caused by lack of sleep. We support each other so we don't get sick at that time.

I still remember that morning May 16th 2018, after early morning praying, I immediately took a shower to prepare for work. Not usually Ujik is still under the blanket after the morning prayer, I asked him "Jik, it’s already 6.45 you are not prepared for work?" "No, I'm planning to ride a motorbike, I'm so tired, I want to leave late.

I just agreed to Ujik's respond at the time, he had just been sent a motorbike by his parents 1 week earlier with the reason to be more flexible if he wanted to go everywhere.

During the day I was still meet Ujik at the mosque where we usually meet after lunch. We had slept side by side after the midday prayer to restore our energy.

On that day everyone competed to go home quickly because they wanted to welcome the first day of Tarawih for the month of Ramadan this year.

At 16:30 I and other friends left office as usual with the office bus that had been provided. Ujik was still in the office and returned after maghrib.

At 6:00 p.m. I was still in the middle of the road because the road is totally jammed because there are roadwork and re-route on the main road. Ujik just goes back around 6:20 a.m. from the office driving a motorbike to chase tarawih prayers that night.

However, Ujik never arrived ...

Around 6:40 a.m. when I and the others still on the bus on the way home got information that Ujik got crashed and there were severe deep wounds.

At that moment I tried to contact an office friend who was with Ujik at that time. Simultaneously I tried to ask for help from my college friends to inform Ujik’s family.

I go back to the dormitory first to get the several items that might be needed at the hospital. I was helped by my friends from Ujik’s department went to the hospital.

I tried to think as positive as possible at that time, there were no negative thoughts at all. There is only one thought that Ujik will be fine and can be recover as soon as possible.

But Allah SWT willed other things, around 19.30 Ujik arrived at the nearest hospital and it was confirmed that he was passed away ...

I got this information in the middle of the trip to the hospital while trying to contact Ujik's family. I still don't believe until I see with my own eyes what really happened ...

I tried to calm down and think several steps ahead, if the worst possible thing happened then Ujik must be buried in the city he lived in, that is gresik, about 900 km from our work location.

At that time I was looking for shipping services to gresik via Surabaya by cargo plane while still contacting Ujik's family because they were carrying out the tarawih.

Finally, a friend of mine who worked in Gresik helped to approach Ujik's family in his residence to give the information.

I can't imagine how Ujik’s parents could hear the news. Not long after, Ujik's parents were able to connect directly with me about the next plan.

The agreement was made, Ujik was dispatched with a cargo plane that I had searched before the next day at 5:30 a.m. to be taken to Gresik and earthed there.

Me and my other friends, Nandyo, and a number of office representatives delivered to Ujik's funeral in Gresik.

Now it's been 7 months since the incident, my memory of the incident did not disappear in the least. My friendship with Ujik from college to work life will never be forgotten. I always consider Ujik’s family as my own family.

This hard life must keep going on...

Good bye Jik, may your deeds be accepted by Allah SWT. Glad to know you as a critical and true thinker. Your idealism will always be remembered by the people around you.


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